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Client testimonials

  • Thank you so much. All chairs delivered today. The guys were wonderful in helping to distribute them to classrooms. Thanks again for all your help. Thanks Terri

    Upper Swan
  • Hi Errol "Many thanks for the smooth delivery and installation of our furniture. We are especially grateful to Carl who went above and beyond the last couple of days." Ghylène Palmer Senior Librarian - Mount Lawley & Bunbury Campus Libraries

  • Good morning gents I wanted to thank you for all your advice, guidance and services this year and to share a few photos with you. Our first exams are underway and the students are experiencing this in our very first set up in the 3 sports halls. Sports hall 1 and 2 are the largest halls, and i think you will agree it looks amazing. We are so excited and relieved and im sure you will understand this feeling. Thank you again, Karen, Manager, Quality and Services Delivery Facilities and Services Centre - Edith Cowan University

    ECU Joondalup ,
  • Hi Jon, I write to thank you for your outstanding service. When we spoke on Friday, you had a pleasant and efficient phone manner which immediately gave me confidence that you would make the exchange of my desk riser hassle free. Despite getting the run-around in the rabbit warren of our hospital, you took the time to configure the new desk riser. I work in an industry where customer experience is one of our main priorities, it is noticeable that you have the same priority. Thank you again. Reg ards, Oliver&nb sp; St John of God

    Outstanding service,
  • Good morning Stacey,  T hank you, yourself and Jon are truly wonderful. I very much appreciate how easy it is to deal with yourself & Access.  Y ou keep me up to date with every purchase or work order and always convey a happy nature. Your Customer Service is 10/10 and a credit to your employer.  H ave a lovely weekend, Cheers.  Kind Regards  Ra e Woolley Communit y Health< /span> Administ rative Assistant  ;  | < /span>< span style="color: rgb(87, 88, 91);"> Ad ministrative Services – North Inland< /p> Osborne Park Community Health< /p> Level 5, 1 Walters Drive, Osborne Park 6017 PO BOX 1086 Osborne Park DC WA 6916 T :08  6159 6900 &nbs p; Mble: 0414 339 896 w  c ahs.health< /a>.wa.gov. au &n bsp; &nbs p;   Email: CAHS-CH .AdminOsborneP ark@health.wa. gov.au

    Community Health, Osborne...
  • Good afternoon Jon and Karl were at the Padbury Statewide Services Centre today installing screens.    I cannot speak highly enough of their professionalis m, patience and flexibility when completing this work. They were a delight to have working to completing this job Thank you and please pass on my affirmations Warm regards Lorraine

    Statewide Services,
  • I really appreciate the excellent customer service! T hanks from Deb Team YBS 

  • Hi Geoff The whiteboards have been delivered and look great. Thanks so much for organising this for me. Regards Debbie Curtin University

    Curtin University,
  • I have a Book Fair running this week, so the greater school community are coming in, and the looks on parents/studen ts faces says it all :) :) ! The transformation is pretty amazing, and once again, I can’t thank you enough for being so helpful with the entire process Errol. Still a few finishing touches to be added, I look forward to the quotes on the soft furnishings. thanks kind regards Robyn

    Millars Well Library,
  • Thank Jon for us, he was amazing today and you and your crew putting all of this together for us at the last minute. We really couldn’t have asked for better service, we really really appreciate it! Kind regards, Michelle Couacaud Customer Service, Fleet and Building Maintenance Officer Office of Executive Director Sc hool Curriculum and Standards Department of Education

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