

Eclipse® Optimum Single Student Desk has been design and made for he modern education market. Featuring durable welded frame with 5 height adjustment settings it can be configured for the full range of student sizes from kindergarten to adult. The top has been designed to be durable and comes with a rugged ABS edge. Adjustable threaded nylon feet allow the desk to handle uneven flooring. 

Why not match the Optimum desk with a Eclipse® Optimum chair. Depending on student size you have 2 heights to choose from 460mm for the older students and 400mm for the juniors

A Package deal can be done on the Eclipse® Optimum Single Student Desk and chair 

Eclipse® Optimum Single Student Desk - Adjustable Height - EOSSD700


Height: 670 mm Depth: 500 mm Width: 700 mm

* Colour

* Tray Rails (Only)



Product Add-Ons

Eclipse Gratnells Shallow Tray - ETS

Eclipse® Lynx Poly Chair - 300h - CHLYNX300

Eclipse® Optimum Chair - 400h - EOC40

Eclipse® Optimum Chair - 460h - EOC46

Eclipse® Lynx Poly Chair - 455h - CHLYNX455

Eclipse Gratnells Jumbo Tray - ETJ

Eclipse® Gratnells Deep Tray - ETD

Metal Desk
Steel Desk
Metal Frame
Steel Frame
height adjustable

Completed Projects / Jobs

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Client testimonials

  • Good morning Stacey,  T hank you, yourself and Jon are truly wonderful. I very much appreciate how easy it is to deal with yourself & Access.  Y ou keep me up to date with every purchase or work order and always convey a happy nature. Your Customer Service is 10/10 and a credit to your employer.  H ave a lovely weekend, Cheers.  Kind Regards  Ra e Woolley Communit y Health< /span> Administ rative Assistant  ;  | < /span>< span style="color: rgb(87, 88, 91);"> Ad ministrative Services – North Inland< /p> Osborne Park Community Health< /p> Level 5, 1 Walters Drive, Osborne Park 6017 PO BOX 1086 Osborne Park DC WA 6916 T :08  6159 6900 &nbs p; Mble: 0414 339 896 w  c< /a> au &n bsp; &nbs p;   Email: CAHS-CH .AdminOsborneP ark@health.wa.

    Community Health, Osborne...
  • Hi Jon, I write to thank you for your outstanding service. When we spoke on Friday, you had a pleasant and efficient phone manner which immediately gave me confidence that you would make the exchange of my desk riser hassle free. Despite getting the run-around in the rabbit warren of our hospital, you took the time to configure the new desk riser. I work in an industry where customer experience is one of our main priorities, it is noticeable that you have the same priority. Thank you again. Reg ards, Oliver&nb sp; St John of God

    Outstanding service,
  • Hi Errol, I am in Mount Lawley today and got a lovely email and photo from Sarah to tell me the chair had arrived. It looks lovely! I cannot wait to see it myself. Thank you so much for the surprise!   Karen &nb sp;Kar en Gilmore | Manager, Quality & Service Delivery Facili ties and Services Centre  | Edith Cowan University  

    ECU Mt Lawley, Mt Lawley
  • Can you please pass on our thanks to Errol and co. for their assistance in getting the lily pad chairs to us? We are thrilled with the finished product, our YA area looks fantastic! Many thanks

    Shire of Kalamunda , Kalamun...
  • We would like to thank Access Office Industries for delivering our new furniture yesterday. I would also like to give some positive feedback on Jon’ s professionalis m, help and sheer hard work in assisting us to make this a successful install. Kind regards Andrea

  • I really appreciate the excellent customer service! T hanks from Deb Team YBS 

  • Hi Errol Our desks arrived today and have inspired jealousy in a few of our other learning areas! Can I please request a quote for the same order of desks (36) as we may be looking to update a couple more class rooms. Many thanks San di

    Inspired Jealousy,
  • Good morning ???? We loved the chairs! Are we able to get 3x more please? The Chuni – Apeks Uni Chair Rach el Guilfoyle Depot Technical Officer

    Peter Hamilton, Kenwick
  • My thanks to the Access Office team. Installati on was quick and clean, shelves are looking fabulous and literally everyone who walks into the shop, comments on how great it looks. One comment was “we look like a real bookshop now”, another “so professional looking”. We are very happy with the quality of the shelves, workmanship, time involved from order to installation and the service from all of you.

    Central Institute of Technology, Perth
  • Hi Stacey, Just wanted to say a BIG BIG THANK YOU to you and Joh I am so grateful for you very kind gesture yesterday helping us out with our Pedestal dilemma! That was just wonderful and I am so very grateful!!!!!! ! I will definitely pop the spare key on a master key ring good idea and yes I will send a picture when the clinic is done ???? Have a lovely weekend Many thanks Ingrid E: Ingr id.Kiel-Monagh an@health.wa.g

    Ingrid, Perth

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