Karrinup Library (WA)

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Client testimonials

  • Dear Errol Our new furniture is lovely. Thanks very much for your care and assistance as well as that of your marvellous team. James and the hard working gentlemen (Peter, Gary and John) who did such a great job of the deliveries.The y worked quickly, efficiently and were very polite and helpful. Many Thanks

    Balcatta Senior High School, Balcatta
  • Hi Jamie   Big thank you for the two new service pod desks and to Karl for helping us out to get them set up. Both are now in situ and get the big thumbs up.   Thank you Clara

    Midland Public Library,
  • Hi Errol and Keith, I’ve been meaning for some time to share with you our gratitude for the service you have provided over the past twelve months, especially during the busy September to February period. You have made my job a lot easier and a lot simpler  with the prompt response time to all queries and your capacity to supply on time and in full all orders. I think you go above and beyond the service other suppliers provide and that is evident at all levels, right down to the delivery guys, nothing is too hard. Thanks again and we look forward to continuing our business relationship with you. Cheers Eoin 

  • Just a quick note to say thank you for the safe delivery of the furniture. We have installed them in the library and I would have to say that the children are very excited. I had to limit the amount of time that they could sit on the yellow tub chairs so that everyone could have a turn. It was quite entertaining to watch.

    St Mary's Primary School, Sydney
  • I have a Book Fair running this week, so the greater school community are coming in, and the looks on parents/studen ts faces says it all :) :) ! The transformation is pretty amazing, and once again, I can’t thank you enough for being so helpful with the entire process Errol. Still a few finishing touches to be added, I look forward to the quotes on the soft furnishings. thanks kind regards Robyn

    Millars Well Library,
  • Hi Geoff Just wanted to let you know,  Karl was fantastic and we appreciated all his hard work. He put up with a lot of neurotic staff members here and handled it with patience and grace. Please pass on our sincerest thanks and gratitude from all the staff here. Kind regards Michelle

    Patience and Grace,
  • Thanks dear Errol You are the best and now I know why so many people like you. Hope I can catch up with you next time at the WAECSSA show as I am going to cook something special for you. Cheers Jeannie Ku

    Christmas Island District High School,
  • Hi Keith Jon delivered the train today, the colour is perfect! Thank you for all Jon has done to rebuild the train. Please send through the invoice when time permits so I can sign it and send to accounts. Many thanks. Vanessa

    Vanessa Murphy, City of...
  • We would like to thank Access Office Industries for delivering our new furniture yesterday. I would also like to give some positive feedback on Jon’ s professionalis m, help and sheer hard work in assisting us to make this a successful install. Kind regards Andrea

  • Wow the units look amazing, the teachers are extremely happy with the resul t. K ind regards, M ichelle W est Greenwood Primary School

    West Greenwood Primary School,

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